From Hodlers Network team we wanted to share with you how the week has been doing!
First of all, we are already listed in DexGuru, Dodo, Pancakeswap and Value DeFi, where you can buy our token. In addition, we are waiting to be listed in CoinMarketCap!
Dodo → https://app.dodoex.io/exchange/BUSD-HDLN?network=bsc-mainnet
Pancakeswap → https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x76ce1e3548ca3af6cbd3886056806f3ef3a6e301
Value DeFi → https://bsc.valuedefi.io/#/vpeg-swap?c&outputCurrency=0x76ce1e3548ca3af6cbd3886056806f3ef3a6e301
DexGuru → https://dex.guru/token/0x76ce1e3548ca3af6cbd3886056806f3ef3a6e301-bsc
Secondly, we wanted to tell you that the HDN swap to HDLN is delayed a week from what expected, and also hare with you that refunds are already being done, so we really appreciate your patience and support!
Last but not least, we are working very hard on our SOCIAL NETWORK! Actually, we are currently about to send some invites to many companies so they can join in advanced to the social we are preparing.
For now this are all the news we’ve got for you Hodlers, but this is just the beginning. Stay tuned for more upcoming news!