Hodlers Network
1 min readJun 2, 2021

From Hodlers Network team we wanted to share with you again how crazy this week has been.

First of all, our crowdpool in Dodo has finally ended, the hodlers are claiming their tokens at the moment. As a result of that, we were able to add liquidity and launch in Pancakeswap, Dodo and Value DeFi (links below). In addition, we are also waiting to be listed in Coingecko and Coin Market Cap among other exchanges!

Dodo → https://app.dodoex.io/exchange/BUSD-HDLN?network=bsc-mainnet

Pancakeswap → https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x76ce1e3548ca3af6cbd3886056806f3ef3a6e301

Value DeFi → https://bsc.valuedefi.io/#/vpeg-swap?c&outputCurrency=0x76ce1e3548ca3af6cbd3886056806f3ef3a6e301

Due to the market’s recently crash, however, we took the decision to postpone 15 days the token’s distribution (airdrop and hdn swap for hdln distribution) to avoid a market roture. It was a call hard to take but it is the best for our investors and the viabilty of the Project.

For now this are all the news we’ve got for you Hodlers, but this is just the beginning. Stay tuned!



Hodlers Network

Hodlers Network will be the first Social network in Blockchain-based on wallet IDs to verify and identify good and bad crypto users, aiming to avoid scams.