Hodlers Network
2 min readJul 8, 2021

Dear Hodlers, today we bring you MINING SYSTEM

Our SOCIAL NETWORK will count with a social mining system that will make people earn $HDLN only by performing social actions, which as a consequence will improve our whole DeFi system. By doing this, users are being actively helpful to the community itself and being rewarded for every collaboration and feedback you give. The coin is not the value of the Project, but our Project gives value and uses to the coin.


Log in and earn your first $HDLN only for logging in! Afterwards, start helping our community by voting projects and interacting with other verified crypto users. For every like, every comment, rate, and review you earn an amount of $HDLN that will be automatically deposited in your $HDLN balance in order for you to trade, hold, or farm them in our farming pool.

Another way for earning more $HDLN is to get verified. After your identity is already checked and you become an official member of the social, you can ask for a referral link to invite your Friends to join the network! Once they succesfully pass their verification, you (the owner of the referral link) earn an extra amount of $HDLN as a reward for being helpful by growing our community!

Keep yourself posted for more news!



Hodlers Network

Hodlers Network will be the first Social network in Blockchain-based on wallet IDs to verify and identify good and bad crypto users, aiming to avoid scams.